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Old Mate

By: Roy Hare

When your belly's in the way,
Of tying your laces today.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

You start to wash your face,
With glasses still in place.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

Step outside the door,
Then forget, what you came for.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

In dictionaries, you have to find,
Words that just won't come to mind.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

To the doctors, you have to go,
He says, "Your tickers getting slow."
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

Enjoy a pint or two,
You're forever in the loo.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

When everythings a blur.
You can't tell him from her.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

When funerals top your list,
Old friends sorely missed.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

With the women you can flirt,
They know that you won't hurt.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

In the morning, you rise from bed,
Glad that you 'aint dead.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

Ten minutes in the garden, digging dirt,
Your back is full of hurt.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

When reading, you start to squint.
It's then you get the hint.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

That old lady with her bus pass,
She was in your infant class.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

Looking at your 'dome'
There's more hair on your comb.
You're getting old mate. Getting old.

When you give up your soul,
They bung you in that hole.
You're getting cold mate. Getting cold.

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